Thursday, October 25, 2012

An Overview of Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is gaining more popularity as many people are now interested in enhancing their smile and looks. There are a number of motives behind people deciding to go for cosmetic dentistry. Some wants to beautify their smile, and some people basically need to get a younger appearance. In fact cosmetic dentistry is like a dental facelift that can swiftly "turn back" the natural aging process of the teeth. A lot of people who are uncomfortable with their unattractive teeth tend to hide their smile in embarrassment. With the technological advances in the cosmetic dentistry, a range of treatments are available today for those looking to enhance their smile.

Porcelain laminate veneers, or just "veneers," are custom-built porcelain wafers that are placed above teeth to improve their look and also as a method of restoration. Veneers can completely change one's smile and boost their self-confidence.

Veneers are an excellent option and they can be used to resolve various cosmetic dental issues. They can be used to whiten stained or discolored teeth, close gaps between teeth, rectify twisted teeth without braces, restore imperfections, and get a lovely or young-looking smile. The technique typically includes removing only a small amount of the enamel, the outermost layer of the tooth. After that the dentist will take molds of the mouth. The patient will get temporary veneers until the permanent veneers are made. The process generally takes around 2 hours. After about two weeks, the patient can visit the dentist and get the permanent veneers fastened to the fronts of the teeth.

Tooth shaping is another popular technique in cosmetic dentistry. It also involves removing a small amount of the enamel of the teeth. With tooth shaping you can shorten long teeth, round off jagged teeth, and get a beautiful smile. The procedure will not give you any pain and it can be completed in less than 30 minutes. A small number of patients may get slight sensitivity as a result of tooth shaping which can be treated with prescription strength fluoride or in-office desensitizers. You are unlikely to get any long-term damage to the teeth.

Resin fillings, also known as composite, white fillings or bonding, are also capable of making a significant enhancement in the appearance of your teeth within a small time. Dentists use resin to patch-up minor cavities or chips in front teeth, and also to fill cavities cosmetically in back teeth. Resin actually can give you the same effect as porcelain veneers when it concerns enhancing the appearance of your teeth. But resin fillings are not as strong as porcelain veneers and you have to get them repaired every few years. Theres a possibility for resin to get discolored over time and they cannot give you the natural beauty that porcelain veneers can give you.

If you have twisted teeth or teeth with wide gaps, orthodontics or braces is the cosmetic dentistry procedure to improve the appearance of your teeth. This procedure takes a long time usually about 18 to 24 months. Getting your teeth corrected with braces can be very time consuming, and you will need to visit your dentist many times and it can be painful too. Braces are often used to straighten the teeth in children. It has the benefits of getting an better looking face and jaw during growth.

Remember, its extremely important that you and your dentist thoroughly discuss what outcome you expect, and also make sure you have explored all the options available before starting treatment

Larry Steevan is the PR Manager at Dental & Health on Clarendon, Dentists Port Melbourne. They are specialized for many dental treatments including cosmetic dentistry , dental implants Melbourne , teeth white filling, dental veneers , crowns and bridges. They are more popular as Cosmetic Dentists Melbourne


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