Monday, May 28, 2012

Dark circles around the eyes-what are the causes and Cures?

The surrounding area of your eyes from the darker every day? These dark circles can make some people freak out, while others reject the option call transfer, which eventually lead to the irreversible, of their own. However, the circles around the eyes should be considered, unless you find the raccoon eyes more attractive.

Dark circles around the eyes are one of the most complained about dermatological problem acne. With the exception of making you Look tired, circles around the eyes, you can also make the search for the parents, depressed, sick and stressed. Not to mention, that this problem can be made to each joke of the butt.

Different factors cause the Black circles around or in the eyes. In most cases, the tendency to develop dark circles is inherited. The lack of sleep and fatigue are also in the dark circles is one of the leading causes. If you do not have a sleep, you can usually come to light. In this case, the blood in the skin around the drive wheels through the Search area, dark or sinertävä eyes. Sun exposure also contribute to the dark circles around the eyes because it improves the skin pigmentation.

Women are more vulnerable to this problem than the men in the eyes of the menstruation and pregnancy, around which make skin paler and more visible blood vessels around the eyes.

If, in the case of medicinal products, which causes the blood vessels to expand, are having, then, are likely to develop black circles around your eyes. Because the skin near your eyes is delicate, in view of the increased blood circulation, it shows through the skin.

Kutinaa in your eyes to trigger health situation can lead to discoloration around the area. Asthma, allergies, hay fever and Eczema can cause can scratch the skin at all times, so that the darker.

In addition, the lack of nutrients in your diet, you can develop in the dark circles around the eyes exposed. Ageing may also naturally discoloration.

So what do you suppose to do with circles around your eyes? The customer's right to compensation to get rid of dark circles should be based on what is causing the condition. For example, if you frequently exposed to the sun light, you might need to limit your stay outdoors during the day. If you want to really stay in the Sun, make sure that you apply the face of sunscreen products and the SPF (Sun protection factor) of at least 15 to avoid your eyes darkening around. No amount of makeup to hide your eyes close to the discolorations, on a permanent basis, if it is not zero, the actual reasons.

What is most important to get enough sleep and eat more nutritious foods. In this way, you can reduce or eliminate entirely the circles around your eyes.

Acupressure can help you get rid of dark circles, run. In this exercise, you will be easily make everyday. Close your eyes, just by pressing the ring finger of the other eye, and move your finger in the corner of the eye to the angle of the Interior from the exterior.

Dark circles around the eyes may be on the basis of serious illness symptoms. If you believe that you are sick, it is best to consult with your doctor.

Then, if you're ready to finally, goodbye to puffy eyes with dark circles around the eyes, and a natural and permanent way, here is the answer:

View the original article here


  1. I also had dark circles under my eyes a few months ago. To get rid of them, I went through an eyelid surgery Toronto. The treatment was very safe and effective. The results were extraordinary! I'm looking now more attractive and more beautiful!
