Monday, April 30, 2012

Getting Rid of Stretch Marks - 3 Free Tips

No one would like to sport a stretch mark while wearing a good summer outfit. However, most people have stretch mark in their bodies and they do not have even an inch of idea on how to get rid of these nasty marks on their bodies.

Stretch marks start as streaks and scars appearing a bit purplish in the legs, buttocks, hips and arms. They start from various causes, which include physical and hormonal changes in the body. Pregnant women have stretch marks because their skin has relatively expanded and stretch while they are carrying their children in their womb. Adolescents, on the other hand, have unusual growth spurts and they have relatively drastic changes in their skins. As for hormonal imbalances, one may have the tendency to use too much steroids, and these can also cause a number of stretch marks to appear in the skin. In these cases, the skin is stretch to the extent that it breaks down, and therefore, it tries to produce collagen in the overstretched skin, therefore causing the unsightly marks to appear.

There are different ways on how to remove stretch marks. One can always consult a doctor and undergo various treatments like laser and cosmetic surgery. However, these treatments are quite expensive and not to mention painful. That is why most people resort to the cheaper ways on how to maintain a beautiful and supple skin without the threat of a stretch mark.

First, you can get rid of these marks by just maintaining a healthy diet coupled with rigorous exercise. Drastic weight gain can inevitably cause a number of marks to appear in your skin, and this could be very hard to get rid of. Eat more fruits and vegetables rather than consuming big portions of meat and fat, which are all rich with cholesterol. Eating large servings of fruit and vegetables, especially those which are enriched in Vitamin C and E, will increase your metabolism, which is good in maintaining an average weight. It is also very important to exercise, not only to get rid of the unsightly marks on your skin, but also to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Second, you can always settle for homemade topical creams which can be a good way to get rid of those unsightly scars. You may want to try rubbing cocoa butter or olive oil on the affected area for several times a week. These will eventually moisturize your skin and lighten up the appearance of the marks in your body. Another home remedy is mixing carrier oil, just like avocado, almond, or jojoba, with five drops of chamomile and seven drops of lavender. Carefully apply this mixture in your skin for several weeks and you will eventually notice that the appearance of the stretch marks has diminished.

The last resort that you may do to get the stretch marks for free is to cover them up with make-up. However, this cannot be very effective if you're thinking about going to the beach and hitting the surf.

Looking for easy ways to getting rid of stretch marks? Get Your Skin Back shows you the easiest and best way to hide those ugly stretch marks. Learn how to make your stretch marks disappear today at

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