Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Testing Diabetes spectrum

Studies on the different parts of the country indicate that each of a few weeks or months, a doctor in the Office of one of the blood glucose measurement is still the most common way to manage diabetes in the United States. However, other studies have shown that this type of management of the futility and an increasing number are physicians who weigh self-testing of blood glucose (SMBG) and a format (such as HgAic or HgAi), glycosylated hemoglobin, instead of having one blood glucose measurement results.

In order to obtain the fasting blood glucose measurement in a medical Office or postmeal blood glucose philosophy is relatively stable, and that the measurement reflects this level over the last few weeks, and to predict the level over the coming weeks. Nothing could be the truth. We will be reviewed in the light of the patient's chart recently and found the Office blood sugar 3-months 217, 67, 197, 46, and 125 mg/dl.

In cases where management is based on these measurements, a medicinal product is increased blood sugars 217 and 197, fell to 67 and 46, and keep the same 125. In fact, through the self-testing of blood sugar (glucose), and the mean values compared to the information about each visit HgA1c was the same, that it was not necessary to change the medication for diabetes. Blood sugar is constantly changing, so the blood sugar test measures blood sugar at the time of the Medical Office in a timely fashion.

Self-blood examination times, suggested that the test is different in different clinics. Researchers have shown that the more testing done (and responded), better control and fewer complications. Blood glucose level lower is detected before the meals and bedtime. The greater the blood sugars after meals is found. Hours after a meal, the blood sugar should be greater than 2 hours after a meal. If a person could remember to test your blood sugar levels are, and 2 hours after a meal, the control for more information about how to obtain the more easily than if the payment appropriations for the meal to be remembered, and bedtime blood sugar testing is used.

Again, the physician preference may be controlled by the person who will be testing in one way or another, that is, testing fasting blood sugar and 2 hours after each meal or before meals and bedtime. If the physician does not ask for, you can make at home tests, blood sugar but does not receive them in the Office, you should be cautious about only the best of care, the American Diabetes Association and the American Association of Diabetes educators, as recommended by the.

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